Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Science. Psssshhhtttt.

Day: I've already lost count
Physical Condition: Sore as shit
Emotional State: Suspicious
Zombie's Killed To Date: 0

If it's hard to prepare for the zombie apocalypse when you're turning 29, then it's especially hard to prepare for the zombie apocalypse when you're turning 29 AND carving up the slopes on a pair of skis.

And yet, that's what I found myself doing over the weekend, proving once and for all that no matter how determined you are to kill zombies, sometimes skiing is just more fun.

C'est la vie

I am still on page 7 of The Zombie Combat Manual. Life, it seems, had other plans for me this past week. But a newly acquired friend of mine (Hi Allie!) forwarded me the following article, which I thought might be some interesting food for thought:

7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)

For the record, I'd like to point out that A) the author uses bad grammar in the title, making me suspicious of the validity of the entire article, 2) the use of science has never amounted to anything important, especially when it comes to zombies, and Sandwich) I strongly suspect, based on the use of bad grammar and "science" (whatever that is), that this article was written by a zombie in the hopes of catching us unprepared.

Still, it's an interesting read (yanno...if you believe in zombie science)

So enjoy the article, for what it's worth, and hopefully I'll have time to read more of The Zombie Combat Manual tonight.

Of course, if I happen to read more of The Zombie Combat Manual WHILE imbibing in that glass (or 3) of wine in the fridge that has my name written all over it...
You might be in for a whopper of a post tonight.

Stay tuned...


  1. Yarrr!!! I mean, hi!

    Well then W. certainly won't believe that article, will he. OH!! I went there.

  2. Several items for further consideration:

    1) What if the animals eating the zombies, as posed in scenario #7, causes the animals to also turn into zombies? We know that zombies spread the infection (?) through their bite, but I don't know of any movie that has explored what happens if something eats the zombie. Perhaps the zombie apocalypse will mean that we are fighting zombie animals, not humans. In which case we're screwed.

    2) Apostrophe foul in "zombies killed to date"? Really?

    Sandwich) Two words: chainsaw motorcycle.
